Annual Management Conference | Week 2
Date / Time: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Webinar
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The 2021 Annual Management Conference (AMC) week 2 webinar.
Your Brain is Good at Inclusion … Except When It’s Not | Steve L. Robbins
This Presentation will Help Attendees:
- Better understand the work of inclusion and diversity from the perspectives of human behavior and cognitive neuroscience
- Understand how the brain’s natural functioning can lead to unintended consequences and prevent us from leveraging human differences
- Better grasp unconscious bias and how it operates and effects individuals and organizations
- Better understand the root of cause(s) of inclusion and diversity-related problems
- Obtain concepts, terms and language that invite people into more positive and productive conversations about inclusion and diversity
- Walk away with a deeper commitment and simple, yet powerful actions to address issues of inclusion and diversity
Economic Forecast 2021 | Marci Rossell
One of the most trusted names in financial reporting and economics, Dr. Rossell delivers a U.S. economic outlook for the next 18-24 months.
Drawing on history, theory and her ringside seat to Wall Street, she provides an insider’s perspective on the most important economic events of our time and discusses the impact of key factors like the 2020 pandemic, Brexit, the ongoing trade war, the Presidential election and a non-traditional inverted yield curve.
Get an informed outlook into the coming year and understand new opportunities that are on the horizon. Dr. Rossell outlines the current state of the economy, explaining government relief packages, including the CARES Act, and the aid needed for natural disasters. She highlights that this is symptomatic of a larger trend: that businesses today face a variety of seismic surprises, including cyberterrorism, environmental disasters, swings in the regulatory regime, and, yes, epidemics like COVID-19.
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