Managing Liquidity through a Crisis This is NOT a Drill
Date / Time: Thursday, May 7, 2020 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Webinar
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Join special guest Joe Kennerson from Darling Consulting Group, LLC for this complimentary webinar.
While the duration of the current pandemic and resulting downturn is uncertain, it has become clear that capital in our industry is going to be challenged from lower earnings and elevated credit-related costs. Earnings and capital deterioration go hand in hand with liquidity stress and, as such, you must be operating from a position of strength from a liquidity perspective. Liquidity is the lifeblood of every financial institution, and history has proven that in times of extreme stress and recessionary conditions, liquidity is the critical component that ultimately determines outcomes – and even survival.
Appropriate policy flexibility, institution-specific risk monitoring/stress scenarios, and diversification of liquidity sources are critical. To successfully navigate this economic turbulence, institutions must ensure their contingency funding plan is up to date and that key personnel know their roles and responsibilities – this is not a drill!
Highlights of the webinar include:
- Activating your Contingency Funding Plan
- Tactical cash flow management and stress testing
- Enhancing liquidity stress testing including a “pandemic” scenario
- Elevating your risk monitoring systems
- Collateral management and funding diversification
- Impact of deposit pricing decisions on liquidity management
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