District Trends Solution:
3Q 2022 Community Financial Institutions Trends

The quest to rein in inflation continues as the Fed raised rates for a sixth consecutive time at November’s meeting.

However, the Fed’s task to orchestrate a soft landing has become increasingly difficult. Trends in other economic indicators are beginning to emerge that suggest a recession is on the horizon. But if the stubborn inflation figure doesn’t show a marked reversal of course soon, Fed rhetoric and policy may need to lean more dovish to allow prices a chance to catch up.

Following back-to-back quarters of negative growth, real GDP increased at an annualized rate of 2.5% in the third quarter of 2022, largely due to smaller increases in private inventory investment, an acceleration in nonresidential fixed investment, and an upturn in federal government spending.



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Our Corporate Strategies and Solutions department monitors today’s economic environment and analyzes our members’ financial trends and business activity. The department serves our members by identifying funding and liquidity strategies or solutions that fit their needs and help them enhance their financial performance.


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Topeka, KS 66606





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