Affordable Housing Advisory Council Nomination Instructions


Affordable Housing Advisory Council
FHLBank's AHAC is comprised of 12 individuals. AHAC members must reside in FHLBank district and must be from community (both for profit and nonprofit) organizations that are actively involved in providing or promoting low- and moderate-income housing or community lending in FHLBank's district. Employees, directors or individuals serving FHLBank's members in a voluntary capacity are not eligible to serve on the AHAC. To increase the diversity of experience on the AHAC, FHLBank is seeking nominees with community lending and economic development expertise in addition to expertise with affordable housing.

Three people from each state in the district will serve on FHLBank’s AHAC, generally for three-year, staggered terms. Current members are eligible for reappointment but may not serve more than three consecutive three-year terms. 



Nominations for FHLBank Topeka’s (FHLBank) Affordable Housing Advisory Council (AHAC) will be accepted beginning October 1 through November 18, 2022.


Nominees are being accepted for Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma at this time.


Ensure the nominee meets the eligibility criteria and duties listed below prior to submitting a nomination.


The links for both the Nominator and Nominee Forms are displayed below. Complete the Nominator Form and select Submit to send to FHLBank. Direct the Nominee to this page. Instruct the Nominee to review the information and then select the Nominee Form link to complete the nomination process.

To be eligible to serve, nominees:

  1. Must reside in the state within FHLBank’s district they have been nominated to represent.
  2. Must represent community (not-for-profit and for-profit) organizations actively involved in providing or promoting low- and moderate-income housing or community lending in FHLBank’s district.
  3. Must not be an employee of or a member of a board of directors for an FHLBank member

*Current AHAC members eligible for another term: 

  • LYNN FLEMING | Great Bend Housing Authority | Great Bend, Kansas
  • AMBER MARKER | Nebraska Housing Developers Association | Lincoln, Nebraska
  • CHERYL SANCHEZ | Prowers Economic Prosperity | Lamar, Colorado


Duties include:

  1. Meeting at least quarterly with representatives of FHLBank’s board of directors to provide advice on the ways FHLBank can carry out its housing finance and community lending mission, including, but not limited to: advice on the low- and moderate-income housing and community lending programs and needs in FHLBank’s district, and on the use of Affordable Housing Program (AHP) subsidies, FHLBank advances, and other FHLBank credit products for these purposes.
  2. Making recommendations to FHLBank’s board of directors including, but not limited to:
  • FHLBank policies that govern the AHP and targeted community lending;
  • Housing needs in FHLBank’s district.



  1. Attend at least half of the quarterly AHAC meetings throughout their term;
  2. Be willing to travel to two meetings per year, generally in FHLBank’s district and attend meetings virtually for the remaining two meetings;
  3. Be an active participant in the quarterly meetings;
  4. Understand appointment to the AHAC may be conditioned on the results of a background check. 


FHLBank Obligations:

  1. Reimburse AHAC members for necessary travel and reasonable associated expenses incurred for attending AHAC meetings.
  2. Provide AHAC members with a $500 fee for each meeting with increased fees for AHAC Chair and Vice Chair.


500 SW Wanamaker Road
Topeka, KS 66606





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